Dentofacial Orthopedics

Dentofacial Orthopedics in Clawson, MI

Learn about dentofacial-orthopedics


We specialize in how facial structure and growth can impact the look and function of a healthy smile.

Healthy smiles require straight teeth and appropriately sized, properly positioned jaws. Dr. Bruno is specifically trained to identify and treat dental malocclusions (bad bites) and facial imbalances in young, growing patients. The timing of interceptive orthodontic treatment is most beneficial during the active growth years leading up to puberty.

Palatal expanders are one common example of dentofacial orthopedics. They are frequently used to augment the size and shape of deficient upper jaws to promote normal eruption of large or crowded permanent teeth. It is recommended that all patients receive an initial orthodontic screening at age 7. This ensures that your little one will receive comprehensive care that focuses on improvements to the health and esthetics of their teeth and facial structure. 

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Text or Call (248) 435-2000

730 N. Crooks Rd. Clawson, MI 48017

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